But due to the strict protection of the digital resources, those downloaded videos and music are only accessible to the official Amazon apps, such as Prime Video or Amazon Music app.
Amazon music player download problems download#
Since Amazon allows users to download videos, movies, and music with Amazon Prime, more and more people start downloading their favorite Amazon videos and music on their phones.
"After I download a video from Amazon I just cannot find the video file on my phone. Where can I find the music on the phone?" But if cash and anonymous buying do disappear, so will a fundamental freedom, and we'll regret it in the end."I downloaded some Amazon Prime music on my Android. The institutions that claim the right to spy on us incessantly – namely, governments and corporations – won't like this. We need to create systems that allow anonymous purchasing in this new world – to recreate cash in a digital format or some other method to recreate anonymity. This seems especially relevant when it comes to books, movies, music and other brain-food that collectively say a great deal about who you are and what makes you tick. As giant companies create mega-databases of information about you and your purchases, and then hand them over (often for a fee) to governments and others who are interested in learning more about you and your habits, two things are happening: you and your data are becoming much less secure, and you are losing fundamental privacy rights. Onerous terms of service, a standard feature of today's internet, are related to another fundamental problem with all online buying – or, for that matter, anything you buy using a credit card anywhere. I don't know about you, but I find it insulting to be treated like a criminal. Moreover, by using AutoRip, you're also agreeing to the terms of service of Amazon's more encompassing Cloud Player. AutoRip's terms of service aren't so simple: for example, Amazon has made deals with at least some music labels (it doesn't say which) to watermark the MP3s so that they can track them should they escape, on purpose or otherwise, onto the wider internet. Consider: if you own a CD, you can rip the music easily and legally for personal use.
The terms of service on AutoRip have incorporated some of that messiness, I'm sorry to report. Amazon's proprietary Kindle format is just more of the same: a way to control what customers can do. The publishers – understandably worrying about their fading market and competition from new players – have been more gung-ho about adding DRM (digital rights management) to books than the increasingly savvy music industry, which, years after Napster, realized that DRM was causing at least as many problems as it purported to solve. Given, also, publishers' ongoing war with Amazon over what they perceive to be control of the industry, they weren't going to do anything to give Amazon's customers any more reason than they have already to shop there. But I'd guess that the chief resistance to any such system would come from the major book publishers, which have amply demonstrated that rational pricing and customer satisfaction aren't high on their collective agenda. I speculate, first, that Amazon itself wasn't all that interested. The Amazon executive's response was, to put it mildly, unenthusiastic. The Kindle copy was always stored online in any case (though I've made it a practice to download and store my Kindle books, just as I keep multiple back-ups of my MP3s).
Amazon music player download problems plus#
And if I bought a Kindle ebook, let me pay the difference between the ebook price and the physical book price, plus a dollar or two, and get the printed copy as well. Many years ago, I suggested to an executive in Amazon's ebook unit a pricing system that went roughly along these lines: if I bought a physical book, let me have a Kindle copy for a dollar or two more. The answer is probably no, but not because it's a bad idea. Now that Amazon is giving people MP3s for the CDs they bought since 1998 (on Amazon) will they do the same for books? And that leads you quickly to the question, posed on Twitter Thursday by Scott McNulty: It reminds us of the blurring lines between physical and digital versions of "content" products. The broader meaning of AutoRip is about more than just music back-ups, however. I last lost my music collection in 2000, but I may still recover a few CDs I thought had been gone for good." "(F)or those who have been purchasing CDs from Amazon for a long time, and have also suffered the unfortunate burglary of their music collection, this new AutoRip service could be a life-saver. I asked my followers on Twitter and LinkedIn what they made of the service, and Josh Wolf, a documentary filmmaker, responded: But for at least one music buyer, AutoRip is proving to be a great value.